Feng Chen

Pizza Maker

Pizza maker and creative living in Bangkok, Thailand. Queen of puns and pizza.

  • Hometown Melbourne
  • Occupation Small Business Owner
Feng is an Australian self-taught pizza maker based in Bangkok, Thailand on a mission to help people fall in love with the art of making pizza. Her personal style of leopard-spotted, sourdough pizza celebrates specialty ingredients from a diverse range of cultures, heavily influenced by her time living in Melbourne, Bangkok, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur and Massachusetts. Feng's infectious personality and love for the pizza community has led her to become a teacher to others looking to have fun and get creative with their pizza making. A regular on the Gozney YouTube channel, you'll find everything from the sourdough pizza dough recipe she spent two years perfecting to the most delicious Caprese pizza.

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How did Feng Chen start her “Leopard Crust” account?

Making pizza reassured me that I still had some control over my life. So, I set myself the goal of making 100 pizzas—one a day, every day—to cope with my boredom.